Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Bit of Fry

As I post this, I feel I should've drawn a caricature of Hugh Laurie to accompany Mr. Fry on my blog, but that can be for another post. I was given a fun assignment this morning, which was simply "draw a caricature of a celebrity". I chose the wonderful Stephen Fry, and got to find out that not everyone in my class is immersed in British television.

We had to record our drawing process (scan our drawing at different stages). Here's mine. If anyone cares, the steps were:

1. Draw the basic structure
2. Rough in the features
3. Add details
4. Refine features

The last step was to clean up the drawing on a fresh piece of paper, like so.

Got rid of some of the lines around the eyes for a better drawing.

This is Stephen Fry, for the lazy blog readers who don't feel like Googling. Also, it is the image I based my drawing on.
In other news, my blog has been updated once more so feel free to click all of the tabs up top. That is all for today. Ciao!

Dear Blogger,
By alphabetizing my labels, you have introduced me to the term "second Stephen update". Thank you.

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